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Relationships Archive
Add sizzle to your love life
How can you add sizzling romance back into your life? Kind words spoken to another can help you change how you feel about life in a positive way! I've added my own twist to help make it really add sizzle to your relationship. -
Get Your Sexy Back in Parksville!
The premier health fair in the mid island region. Seminars, exhibits, demos, food, and fun. Talk to the Doctors, learn about natural approaches to health care, meet local support and service groups, have fun, make contact, become aware.Learn how to boost your sex drive. -
Boost Bedroom Communication
What does great sex do for your marriage, your partner, you and your life? It helps cement the bond the two of you created together. Tremendous passion for each other helps reduce stress, improves your mood and can get you through bumpy patches, reminding you why you’re together to begin with. -
Repair Mismatched Sex Drives
Most couples. especially after the 2 year mark when the 'love drugs' fade, have a concern about mismatched libidos. When sex drives don't match up it can be frustrating and lead to a lot of problems in the bedroom. I have a sure fire, 5 step process that gets rave reviews from couples who attend my workshops. A change like this requires a shift in attitude and awareness so I created The S.H.I.F.T. Process: -
Phone Sex Coaching Changes Sex Lives!
People often ask me how this phone coaching works to improve their sex lives. I live in a remote corner of the world (paradise is here on Vancouver Island) and yet people don't have to spend loads of money and time to come to me. We can meet on the phone! Let me explain in this video why this is so much more beneficial than meeting in person. -
Six Steamy Summer Sex Tips to Reduce Stress
I came up with six ways to help you push those economic woes aside and get your summer sizzle on. In my part of the world, there's a bit more skin showing as we soak up as much sun as we can. I know it can be tough to get inspired in the bedroom, but isn't your relationship worth a bit of time and attention? Even if things are going smoothly, these steamy ideas (for men and women - it doesn't matter which!) are sure to get you thinking a bit more about romance: -
How to introduce SWINGING to your lover
There are a few things you need to consider to engage in swinging successfully with your partner: the quality of your communication, your intimacy level and your sexual chemistry. After reading this and applying the information you should find your partner much more receptive to the idea. If you wish to jump ahead right away go here: -
5 Ways to Sexy Up for Spring
Listen to the broadcast for five spicy and simple ways to 'sexy up for spring!' I love chatting with Wayne & Jayne - they are so much fun in the morning. If you want to get a head start on some summer sizzle in your relationship, then tune in! -
How to Flirt and Keep Sex Fun!
Enjoy this fun video interview by Franki of Better than Chocolate where she asks me for tips on flirting, how to keep things fun and get you out of a rut and I share with her how to make grocery shopping a LOT more enticing! -
Fix Mismatched Sex Drives Easily
You can watch two short videos I did with my friend, Jay Archer, who owns Master Your In them we discuss what happens when one of you has a higher sex drive than the other AND some solutions to get around it so no one feels left out, resentful or guilty. How fun would that be!