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Relationships Archive
8 Ways to Get in the Mood
I recently contributed to an article for If you are looking for ways to spend these dark nights, check out 8 Ways to Get in the Mood. -
Accept your partner’s sexual boundaries
Kim Switnicki, Sex Coach, offers advice to a woman who's man won't manually stimulate her - she can do it herself, for one! -
Match up Your Sex Drives at Taboo Sex Show
For the gents, it seems that their main goal is to make their woman as ecstatic and happy as possible in the bedroom! Am I right, guys? You tend to get frustrated when you both aren't on the same page when it comes to sex. This can be frustrating. It really boils down to communication Doesn't everything?). We are not really taught how to talk about sex. -
Orgasms for Ladies at Taboo Sex Show
An important thing for frustrated women to realize is that no-one else can ever give you pleasure or an orgasm – it’s all you. You must allow the orgasm to happen. It's true! We ladies tend to give our power away and give all the credit to our 'amazing lovers' when sex is wonderful when in fact it was us who allowed the magic to happen. -
Woman wanting another woman is okay
Woman desiring another woman after break-up is offered advice by sex coach, Kim Switnicki. -
Sex Coaching is not what You Think
Let’s face it – unsatisfying sex sucks! As a Sex & Intimacy Coach, I can turn your sex life around and help you have a juicy intimate, loving marriage that lasts. -
Breast Play Helps Bonding
Science says a nose spray can make your man bond to you, yet I suggest you use your breasts instead. -
Imagine a marriage where the honeymoon goes on and on
Plan now to make your love-life stronger & more vibrant – even after you’re married! -
Are you a Betty or a Veronica?
Guys do like the bad girls (and face it ladies we sometimes prefer the bad boys too)! It seems, however, that the world empathizes with the good girl. -
Great Sex for a Happy New Year
Sensual and erotic sex is a powerful enhancement to life. I invite you to do 3 things to help you create a fantastic and sensual new you in the new year