To be a Sexually Empowered woman, it is important for you to love your breasts. No matter their shape, size or colour, enjoy them and treat them as a precious part of your feminine, sensual self. The more you embrace their sexy little curves, the more your man is likely to as well! We’re taught when very young to hide our breasts and society shuns the public appearance of nipples in advertising and even in art and yet men are always seeking to spot them. This can be very confusing for young women and this confusion can carry into adulthood. To help you love your breasts as much as your partner does, take the time after a bath or shower to caress, powder or lotion them. Feel them regularly (and not just for breast self exams) and show them that you really care.
The way you view your breasts and expose, hide or handle them yourself will affect how your partner sees them. While he may not necessarily be a ‘breast’ man, he may be greatly turned on when he watches you caress, squeeze or rub them after bathing or while you make love together.
Not all women enjoy the same sensitivity of nipples or breast tissue. Some gals are simply orgasmic with breast stimulation. Others enjoy kisses or suckling and still others enjoy a rougher pinching or tweaking. This can change throughout the month and also throughout your lifetime, as well as be impacted by your various partners and your relationships with them.
Be aware of your time of the month and the changes this causes in breast sensitivity and tenderness. You may want to gently let your lover know that they are extra tender but you especially love his gentle kisses (if in fact you do).
If he loves to play rough with your breasts and you don’t care for that, instead of cutting off all breast play, try asking for gentle kisses and caresses. The more turned on you become through foreplay, the more sensation you can handle. So as you get more turned on, you may start to enjoy some rougher play. Start off slow and gentle and see what heights of passion you can both reach.
Here are my Top Ten Sexy Breast Tips
- Use your cleavage to tease him while out on a date and pinch your nipples on occasion if you have to (on the sly of course) to let him know your little erect nipples are a promise of erections to come.
- Breast play can release oxytocin (bonding hormone also released during breast feeding) so do include breast play of some sort during lovemaking even if it is only your hands caressing them and rubbing them up against him.
- Rub your lovely breasts against him whenever you can while engaged in intercourse to add an extra oxytocin boost as well as reminding him you are a voluptuous woman.
- Grab his hands and with yours over top, indicate how hard or soft you want his caresses. Teach him by showing him what you like. He can’t be expected to know!
- Invite him to play the ‘mirror game’ where you sit facing each other while nude and place a hand on each other’s chest. He has to mirror everything you do to him. Show him how you like to be teased and tantalized without touching your nipple so it drives you wild and you can’t stand it anymore. Experiment with pinches, little nibbles and light scratches to gauge both of your reactions. Have fun! If you do this while gazing into each other’s eyes, you will create a seductive memory not soon forgotten.
- Invite him to melt an ice cube over your whole body and be sure to include your nipples. Be sure to let him know by your moans and groans what areas drive you wild with delight or chill you out.
- When in a sex position that facilitates this, whisper into his ear how much you love it when he (licks, sucks, pinches, squeezes, kisses, etc.) your nipples or your breasts. Your directness will inspire him while your instructions will have him eagerly wanting more. He really wants to please you and loves it when you tell him what you love!
- When you’re on top, play with your breasts while looking him in the eye. If you can, reach down with your tongue or mouth and kiss, suckle or lick each of your breasts while gracefully cupping one in your hand, you’ll have him eating out of your hand in no time. For those even braver, slip a finger down to gather some of your own love juices and rub them on your breast before licking. He’ll be swooning.
- Again while on top, take a scarf and blindfold him, take each of his hands and bring them up above his head so he is your ‘hostage’. Slide yourself up so you can dip down and slip a breast into his mouth while you use a forceful voice telling him what you want him to do. If you can manage it, slide a hand back and massage his penis while he pleasures your breast. If you can’t reach, alternate his and your pleasure. With him blindfolded he won’t know what to expect. Can you imagine the moaning that will ensue?
- No conversation about breasts and sex is complete without the mention of using your breasts as a means to manually pleasure your man. The pure sight of his erection between your oiled breasts while you squeeze them together to give him a firm place to thrust, may send him over the edge. If you add some lustful gazes at his penis while you lick your lips or give him quick tongue flicks as he moves back and forth, he will remain your devoted lover.
Try any of these and let me know how much you love your breasts now!
Kim Switnicki, ACC
Sex Educator & Intimacy Coach for Women
Rediscover your passion for sex and have a juicy marriage that lasts!
Author of “Great Sex for Hard Times” and “G-Spot PlayGuide: 7 Simple Steps to G-Spot Heaven!”
Free Report here on the Top 10 Ways to be a Sexier, more Confident Woman
Sensational info. I look forward to seeing more.