Sex & Intimacy Coach, Kim Switnicki has over 25 years experience speaking with women and couples about sex and sexuality. Kim started Lioness for Lovers in 1998, after spending years as the “go to girl” for answers on sexuality, coupled with her thirst for knowledge and her life-long passion and pursuit of sexual discovery.
Kim’s passion is to help women who want to explore their sensual selves. She helps them discover what they truly want AND how to get it. She calls this living Your Sexual Truth – it isn’t about what you are DOING, but who you are BEING when you do it!
Kim offers public speaking engagements and smaller private functions. Her education includes counseling, coaching and sex therapy. She’s a member of SIECCAN and the International Coach Federation and is accredited by them as an Associate Certified Coach. She also offers tele-seminars, articles, seminars, workshops and other resources to help you have wildly passionate sex or to say ‘no thanks’ and have it be okay with both of you!
“As my guest on “Living on Purpose”, Kim Switnicki’s confidence and poise creates a wondrous ambience for the show. With informative enthusiasm, Kim challenges and assures the listeners with alternative ideas about sexuality and self-awareness. I’ve received rave reviews from listeners. Kim is at ease with her own sexuality and offers the gift of her experience to those who wish to increase their self-confidence in this important area of our lives! I congratulate Kim on following her passion and vision with Lioness For Lovers, and wish her ongrowing success in all of her endeavours! – Lynn Thompson, Host of Living on Purpose, |
“Thank you, Kim Switnicki, for coming back early from your Las Vegas promotion tour to be our featured guest speaker at Ladies Night. Your reputation and what you had to offer was a huge drawing card for ladies to sign up and spend an evening at Steve Marshall Ford. The ladies enjoyed hearing you talk about being a sexier and more confident woman. We at Steve Marshall Ford wish you great success with your new book.” – Shawn Hildebrandt Public Relation & Marketing Director, Steve Marshall Ford, Nanaimo, BC. |
“Thanks so much for being our guest speaker and kicking off our first session of the season! The reaction from the participants was very positive. Your enthusiasm lit up the room!” – Shari Molchan President, Nanaimo Women’s Business Network |
- Kim’s BIO – Click To Download