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Sex and Chocolate
Chocolate stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain that are associated with orgasms, so why not add chocolate to your lovemaking the heighten the sensual experience. -
Gaining Sexual Confidence is Simple
Gaining self confidence can improve not only your sex life, but your whole life. Boost your sexual self-confidence by reading a free chapter from The G-Spot PlayGuide. -
Naughty Notions 4
Funny sexual joke -
There are Big Benefits to Sex After 40
Despite increased dryness and pelvic floor concerns, women over 40 have better body image, and more confidence and skill to take charge of our own orgasms! -
Naughty Notions 3
When I grow up, I want to be just like Mommy. -
Naughty Notions 2
Can you name this animal?…. -
Experimentation and Relaxation are key to Finding Your G-Spot
Sex Coach Kim Switnicki describes how to find your g-spot with or without a partner, and explains what female ejaculation is and where it comes from. -
Ben Wa Balls are not the same as Smart Balls
The benefits and disadvantages of ben wa balls vs. smart balls for strenghtening pelvic floor muscles to improve orgasms and get rid of incontincence. -
Watching each other Masturbate is Fabulous, Sexy and Healthy
Watching each other masturbate is fun, educational and normal if it is 100% consensual and 100% pleasurable for both parties involved.