Latest Headlines
Oral Sexy Shake Recipe
Great recipe to sweeten your man up so his ejaculate tastes yummier for you. -
Christmas Funny
There is a factory in Northern Minnesota which makes the Tickle Me Elmo toys. The toy laughs when you tickle it under the arms. Well, Lena is hired at The Tickle Me Elmo factory and she reports for her first day promptly at 8:00 am. The next day at 8:45 am there is a knock […] -
G-Spot with Partner and G-Spot Fluids
When first experimenting with your g-spot, try doing it alone to get used to the feeling and to “train” your body to experience a g-spot orgasm. -
What do Terri Hatcher, RuPaul, Susan Boyle, Chelsea (Lately) Handler, and Kim Switnicki have in common?
We are all fabulous women at the top of our fields, and our books or DVDs are all featured in the News and Beauty spread in the latest Complete Woman magazine. -
Are you a Betty or a Veronica?
Guys do like the bad girls (and face it ladies we sometimes prefer the bad boys too)! It seems, however, that the world empathizes with the good girl. -
Laughter & Sex
Both release hormones that help us to relax, boost the immune system, and help to alleviate pain. -
Illness and Intimacy
Kim will be sharing some of her thoughts and ideas in relation to prostate cancer and how to include intimacy back into your life. -
West Coast Women’s Show this Weekend
A special chance for all Vancouver Island ladies looking to stimulate your sex life. Find out how to “Bring ‘Sexy’ Back to Your Warm, ‘Comfortable’ Marriage” -
Great Sex for a Happy New Year
Sensual and erotic sex is a powerful enhancement to life. I invite you to do 3 things to help you create a fantastic and sensual new you in the new year