With just about every click of the remote, turn of the page or click of a mouse you can come across an advertisement for male enhancement drugs. Now I know it seems as though that it’s every man’s dream to have a bigger penis, but the truth of the matter is that there really isn’t any pill that will actually add length (regardless of what the advertisements claim).
There are, however, weights that can be attached to the penis to essentially stretch it out – though before going to this “length” it should be noted that it will take away from the thickness of said penis. There are also “penis pumps” that work with varying degrees of success but they usually just make it larger temporarily. This is done by bringing blood flow to the area. Dr. Joel Kaplan has a system that, he states, will work to add both length and girth but you need to stick to his regimen quite fanatically and it takes a few months to notice but he swears it works.
Many men think that it’s every woman’s dream to have a man with a bigger (thicker or longer) penis, when in reality that’s not always the case. In fact I hear from lots of women who want tips on how to handle a big penis because they find it too uncomfortable and tricky to ‘work’ with. The next time your man mentions an interest in a male enhancement drug – reassure him that his penis is just the way you want it. Then you can come up with all sorts of ways to show him how much!
Reassurances from you can go a long way to easing his mind. Let him know that it is the other lovely and delicious things he does that make you wild with desire (such as whispering in your ear while he is inside of you, the way his kisses you or the way he rubs against your clitoris with his pubic bone, etc.)
I know a woman who was very satisfied with her lover’s 3 inch penis because it hit her g-spot perfectly! If you have a man who sets the mood, turns you on, engages in foreplay the way you like it and gets you into that lovely state where making love is all you want to do in that moment, then he could be a man with no penis at all and if he has a desire to please you – you will be very satisfied!
Kim Switnicki, ACC
Sex Educator & Intimacy Coach for Women
Rediscover your passion for sex and have a juicy marriage that lasts!
Author of “Great Sex for Hard Times” and “G-Spot PlayGuide: 7 Simple Steps to G-Spot Heaven!”
Free Report here on the Top 10 Ways to be a Sexier, more Confident Woman