Sexy Valentine’s Day Movie

I know it’s after Valentine’s Day, but if you subscribed to my newsletter (sign up on the home page at you would have received this in time to heat things up for that sassy lover’s holiday.

According to the website the perfect Valentine’s Day film, according to WOMEN, is 2004′s The Notebook with Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling whose on/off romantic yearning spans a lifetime. For MEN, it was 1997′s Titanic where our romantic leads find hot, passionate love on an ill-fated marine catastrophe. Other notable mentions by both sexes were Sleepless in Seattle, Casablanca, Ghost, Pretty Woman, and A Walk to Remember.

This reminded me of the many hot and steamy encounters I’ve had while watching a romantic movie. I became inspired and offer you this sizzling idea to re-live the drive-in (for those who remember them!) or perhaps create a new experience of the movie date. Either way, prepare for an evening of romance and possibly some hot sex too!

Step 1:
Pick out a movie you know will get your inner lioness purring.
Step 2:
Select a time when you know you will both have 3 hours or so of uninterrupted time at home alone. You can always swap babysitting duties with another couple so you both win!
Step 3:
Shower or bathe and dress sensually for the evening. Add soft make-up or accessories. Even just pin up your hair or leave it down – just something different to show him you really want to make the evening special and he’s worth the time and effort.
Step 4:
Dim the lights or have candles burning to set the mood.
Step 5:
Have a big cosy blanket you can wrap yourselves in and snuggle under.
Step 6:
Start by rubbing each others feet. You can take turns so you get the full benefit of relaxation. Remember from last month, one way to your orgasm is through shutting down your amygdala with a foot rub!
Step 7:
Have nibbles you can feed each other such as grapes or popcorn. Make natchos and lick each others fingers or pick up a BBQ chicken at the market with no utensils allowed! You get the idea…
Step 8:
Flirt with him by giving him knowing looks, play with his hair or ears, put your arm around HIM for a change and make sure you are always touching part of him. Snuggle in close and whisper how he makes you feel!
Step 9:
Rub his thighs in a slow, sexy way throughout the whole movie – see how close you can get to his penis without actually touching it. Make his pants get tighter!
Step 10:
Whenever you see something in the movie that reminds you of him and how romantic or sexy he is, tell him and maybe squeeze his arm or give him a long, wet kiss to prove it.

Remember making love is like dancing – I can give you the steps, but to get the most from it, add your own style to truly make it work for you!


Kim Switnicki, ACC
Sex Educator & Intimacy Coach for Women
Rediscover your passion for sex and have a juicy marriage that lasts!


Author of “Great Sex for Hard Times” and “G-Spot PlayGuide: 7 Simple Steps to G-Spot Heaven!

Free Report here on the Top 10 Ways to be a Sexier, more Confident Woman

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