Rediscover your Passion for Sex!

Are you a married woman:

  • frustrated with low sexual desire?
  • resentful because he doesn’t understand you in bed?
  • wondering if there is something sexually wrong with you?
  • thinking your sexual days are behind you?

The last time you made love…

Was it even making love? Or was it a fumbling try at sex in a desperate attempt to make him happy or even to keep him quiet and leave you alone? Be honest.

Was it months or even years ago? Can you even remember? Or was it just recently – and an experience that you just as soon not repeat?

Note: I am currently not accepting new clients.

You are normal!

Unless you have physical issues (please have a complete physical to rule this out) you are likely NOT suffering from the latest trendy female sexual desire disorders. You and your body are doing exactly what they should be given your circumstances, and your background.

Remember back to when sex was good, really good. Picture the times you used to fall into his arms and desire was right there ready to sweep you both away. Imagine the fun you used to have together. You can add excitement and passion back into your marriage. It will be different than it was at the beginning of your relationship and the wonderful thing is that I believe it can be even better; more empowering and deeper AND it can be yours to keep!

You love your husband and you really do want a fulfilling and satisfying marriage and sex life!

I believe strongly that the most important thing a woman can do to save her marriage is to save her sex life. The most important thing she can do to save her sex life is to FIRST independently unlock HER OWN passions, systematically and permanently end her insecurity and shame and then fully commit to learning how to have powerful and authentic sexual experiences HER WAY FIRST, before then sharing them with her husband.

There is more great news. You can change your situation easily, with a bit of time and attention and you may even have fun doing it! I have spent literally decades searching for the secrets to great sex – since it sure wasn’t great right out of the gate. I’ve discovered what you need to do to have a fantastic sex life. It doesn’t mean more sex, necessarily. Life is busy and I make love less now than I have in the past. But the sex I have now is absolutely incredible!



Women set the tone for intimacy in a relationship

If you aren’t happy, confident  and comfortable with your sexuality, then your sex life simply won’t be satisfying. I am the only expert who will work exclusively with you to help you live your Sexual Truth, to discover your own personal Sexual Code so you can unlock your authentic passion and confidence to bring honest sex – your way – into your marriage and create lasting devotion.

You have come to the right place to discover your unique, magical combination of needs and desires for your ultimate sex life, so you finally:

  • feel comfortable asking for what you want
  • anticipate and are able to initiate satisfying lovemaking
  • feel sexy, aroused and desirable more intensely and more often
  • feel sexually self-confident and
  • enjoy a fabulous sex life!

I believe that we are here to create a world where we are authentically connected by love, acceptance and peace with one another—but we can only achieve that when we authentically love, accept and find peace within ourselves, which means listening honestly to our own hearts and living according to our own ideals and truths.

I teach sexual empowerment for women when I could do anything else because I am here to eliminate the legacy of insecurity and shame women have carried for centuries, enabling them to finally experience and express their sexuality honestly.

Women are naturally sexual beings. Inside you is an erotic and sensual woman who deserves to be let out. Don’t keep her tucked away and hidden because she has been made to feel fear, or shame or embarrassment. Isn’t it time to stop the legacy of negative sexual feelings passed down from generations of frustrated and unhappy women?

I will help you rediscover passionate sex, revive your sex life so you too can have a juicy, intimate, loving marriage that lasts. You CAN be excited again and filled with deep desire. You CAN look forward to going to bed again. You CAN feel like a desirable, sexy woman.

It’s your body and your sex life. You deserve to discover all the delicious sensual secrets they both have in store for you. Find them, embrace them and share them with your partner. Start by signing up now at the top of the page for my Top 10 Ways to be Sexier and more Confident Special Report.

Kim’s Books

For those who want to test the waters first before taking a course or getting some coaching, you can still improve your intimate relationship by reading a few books. I have written these books to assist you.

Rediscover your passion for sex

Join me to discover and accept your own sexual ideals and truths, bringing in powerful, honest sexual practices that will give you a life-long passion-filled marriage. Please sign up now at the top of this page for my special report on the Top 10 Ways to be Sexier and more Confident Special Report.

Yes – you can start right now!

Kim Switnicki Signature
Get Listed – BCTherapists.Net

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